Our staff here at The Erb’s Palsy Group are friendly and great professionals, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch; you’re welcome to call or email us!
Karen Hillyer (Chairperson): First Point of Contact for Families. Newsletter Editor. Moderator of online Groups. 024 7641 3293; karen@erbspalsygroup.org.uk
Gary Hillyer (Treasurer): Policy Co-ordinator. Gift Aid Liaison. 024 7641 3293; gary@erbspalsygroup.org.uk
Debbie Robinson (Deputy Chairperson): Fun Day Co-Ordinator. Publications Editor. 0191 377 3512; debbie@erbspalsygroup.org.uk
Jackie Dewdney (Merchandise Co-Ordinator): 01462 815 590; jackie@erbspalsygroup.org.uk
Amy Swift (Fundraising Co-Ordinator): Awareness Campaign Co-Ordinator. 0191 421 3390; amy@erbspalsygroup.org.uk
Clair Hemming (Secretary). 01404 841117; clair@erbspalsygroup.org.uk